
Manipulation of images in real-time on canvas

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tool for real-time manipulation of images on canvas


Images can be passed as a string

var img = new RGBCanvas("image.jpg", el, callback);

el and callback are optional

el will be the element where the canvas will be appended.

callback is called when the image has loaded

Images can also be passed as elements:

var canvases = [],
    images = document.querySelectorAll("img");
Array.prototype.forEach.call(images, function(img) {
    canvases.push(new RGBCanvas(img));

Following options are accepted in the transformRGB function:

r: (function) function for transforming the r-value
rOffset: (value) offset of the r-channel in pixels to the left
+ the same for g and b,
data (CanvasPixelArray, not optional): -> Are retrieved with obj.readPixels();

At the moment, even if you just want to do offset, you'll have to pass a transform function (just returning the value) for that color channel


There are a couple of demos in the "demos" folder. Basically, all the action goes through the RGBCanvas.transformRGB function, and are then drawn back on the canvas using the canvas.getContext("2d").putImageData(data, x, y) methods

An example of animating the image can be seen in the "offset green channel" demo. You can slo use this to offset the entire image.


I promise that i will put up more demos while building them.
