From here:
- Run 'version 1' below, the figwheel + Hot Module Reloading concept
- run
curl http://localhost:3000/server-data
in a shell, receive a completely server rendered page - Change components in src/cljs/reagent_server_rendering/page.cljs and watch the page update them without losing state.
Version 1: Run with figwheel for REPL + Hot Module reloading. In 3 separate terminal windows
# start the server side JS build
$ lein cljsbuild auto server-side
# serve the ring handler + static files
$ lein ring server-headless
# start repl, HMR + auto rebuild
$ lein figwheel hmr
Version 2: Run without watching and hot module reload, in production* mode
# build cljs
$ lein cljsbuild once prod server-side
# start ring server, tell it to use prod js
$ PROD=true lein ring server-headless
* = this setup is in no way production ready
- /server-data use data that is seeded from the server, render it in clojurescript
- /autocomplete an example of calling out to jQuery
- /compare-argv not so interesting
- /about just another page
- src/clj/reagent_server_rendering/handler.clj the nashorn stuff to render the cljs on the server, and some ring routes
- src/cljs/reagent_server_rendering/core.cljs this is where the rendering starts. Client side routing, etc. has 2 important exports:
, for client side app init, andrender-page
that is used by the server side renderer - src/cljs/reagent_server_rendering/pages.cljs reagent components used for each page
Routes are only defined in CLJS, in reagent-server-rendering.core there's a pages
map that looks like this:
(def pages
{"home" pages/home-page
"about" pages/about-page
"compare-argv" pages/argv-page
"server-data" pages/server-data
"autocomplete" pages/auto-page
"404" pages/not-found })
the string key becomes the URL, the value is a reagent component
- Collect links that i've used
- Discuss alternatives to the nashorn js engine pool
- Run server-rendering in node?
- Display this readme on the homepage
- JS Unit tests