
Github copy of trollop

Primary LanguageRuby


by William Morgan (http://masanjin.net/)

Rubyforge page: https://rubygems.org/gems/trollop

Release announcements and comments: http://masanjin.net/blog/label/trollop/

Documentation: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/trollop/2.0/Trollop


Trollop is a commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way. One line of code per option is all you need to write. For that, you get a nice automatically-generated help page, robust option parsing, and sensible defaults for everything you don't specify.


  • Dirt-simple usage.
  • Single file. Throw it in lib/ if you don't want to make it a Rubygem dependency.
  • Sensible defaults. No tweaking necessary, much tweaking possible.
  • Support for long options, short options, subcommands, and automatic type validation and conversion.
  • Automatic help message generation, wrapped to current screen width.
  • Lots of unit tests.


  • A burning desire to write less code.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'trollop'

then run:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install trollop


  require 'trollop'
  opts = Trollop::options do
    opt :monkey, "Use monkey mode"                    # flag --monkey, default false
    opt :name, "Monkey name", :type => :string        # string --name <s>, default nil
    opt :num_limbs, "Number of limbs", :default => 4  # integer --num-limbs <i>, default to 4

  p opts # a hash: { :monkey=>false, :name=>nil, :num_limbs=>4, :help=>false }


Copyright (c) 2008--2012 William Morgan. Trollop is distributed under the same terms as Ruby.