
"Cameraless Concerts" -- General Assembly WDI Project #2: Full-Stack Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

General Assembly - WDI Project #2: Full-Stack Application

Cameraless Concerts

Landing Page:

Landing Page Searching for images of The National:

The National Search All User's Photos:

All User's Photos


Share more, experience more. Cameraless Concerts relieves the pressure of taking photos at concerts, because more than likely someone else is already doing that for you. Whether it be you forgot your camera or your phone died, our aim is to have collective sharing of concert photos so more time is spent enjoying the show.

Contributors: Sonia Boller, Karly Hoffman

Project Requirements:

  • Have at least two models (more if they make sense!) - one representing someone using the application, and one that represents the main functional idea for the app.
  • Include sign-up/log-in functionality, with encrypted passwords & an authorization flow.
  • Utilize an ORM (such as Bookshelf.js) to create a database table structure and interact with your relationally-stored data.
  • Include wireframes designed during planning process.
  • Have semantically clean HTML and CSS.
  • Be responsive.


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Sessions
  • Bookshelf.js
  • Gulp
  • Handlebars
  • Sass
  • Materialize.css


  • Establish wireframes and user stories
  • Build server and gulp tasks
  • Create models
  • Implement user login with Express Sessions
  • Create routes and controllers
  • Stylize

Wireframes: alt text

User Story: alt text