
"Typeoke: The Karaoke Game" -- General Assembly WDI Project #3: Building an API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

General Assembly - WDI Project #3: Building an API


A lyric API with a twist. Add your lyrics to the database and play other user’s lyrics. Can you type all the words?

Contributors: Christopher Lamlamay, Karly Hoffman


Project Requirements:

  • An individual server application written to serve a RESTful API
  • An individual client application written to consume the API
  • Have at least three related models
  • Include all major CRUD functions in a RESTful API for at least one of those models
  • Consume your own API by making the front-end with HTML, JavaScript, jQuery and Angular
  • Add authentication to your API to restrict access to appropriate users
  • Craft thoughtful user stories together as a team
  • Manage team contributions and collaborations using standard Git flow on GitHub
  • Layout and style the front-end with clean and well-formatted CSS


  • SQL
  • Sinatra
  • Angular.js
  • Ruby
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • ActiveRecord
  • Skeleton


  1. Create wireframes and user stories
  2. Establish models and ERDs
  3. Build server and RESTful APIs
  4. Implement user login with Angular.js
  5. Create views and controllers
  6. Stylize

