- 3
time to archive
#218 opened by jimmywarting - 2
ng test error with PhantomJS , getting less error
#219 opened by bxdadwhal - 4
Phantom installation failed TypeError: Path must be a string. Received undefined
#200 opened by Lekensteyn - 5
It no longer works with karma@6
#217 opened by zloirock - 1
npm audit vulnerability [Prototype Pollution]
#216 opened by rdandnayak - 92
PhantomJS disconnecting because no message in 10000 ms when set to single-run
#126 opened by ciwchris - 4
Infinite loop
#197 opened by FunnyGhost - 1
Dependency vulnerability
#207 opened by metju90 - 54
Path must be a string. Received null
#120 opened by firedev - 3
Failed to run tests in phantom after upgrading to ng6
#215 opened by TKul6 - 12
Spawn ENOTDIR after updating to High Sierra
#209 opened by rylek90 - 40
Mac Os Sierra "Cannot start PhantomJS"
#138 opened by superandrew - 0
Phantomjs crashed on CI
#214 opened by alonshmiel1 - 22
Windows 10 Bash (WSL)
#124 opened - 2
PhantomJS cannot run tests
#129 opened by XiaonuoGantan - 1
- 0
- 3
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'const'
#143 opened by wellyshen - 0
Why are other architectures ignored?
#211 opened by szglemdx - 1
Installing karma-phantomjs-launcher gives error
#210 opened by MuhammadTaha - 1
- 3
useValue,useFactory,data is not iterable! (Angular4)
#205 opened by cacothi - 0
What does this error means?
#208 opened by khanharis87 - 0
Endless stackTrace (huge)
#204 opened by JSlain - 1
Angular 4 support
#201 opened by slav-pilus - 0
- 12
Error during loading "angular-webpack/node_modules/karma-phantomjs-launcher" plugin: Path must be a string. Received null
#141 opened by line-p - 0
SetProcessDpiAwareness failed: "COM error
#190 opened by tiefling - 1
Karma does not start a browser on Windows (v 1.5.0)
#182 opened by tiefling - 1
Phantom Js Launcher wont run on Bamboo
#140 opened by Andersog - 4
global copy of phantomjs not found in 1.0.4
#168 opened by silvioboehme - 2
Phantomjs crashed
#166 opened by leizz - 0
- 1
Bug in 1.0.3
#167 opened by silvioboehme - 6
Error: Cannot find module 'boom'
#149 opened by alexander-elgin - 0
Fatal Windows Exception Encountered
#156 opened by parky128 - 0
Can't Install on Windows
#155 opened by Altiano - 2
- 7
exitOnResourceError causes PhantomJS to crash
#125 opened by jameshartig - 2
404 system-polyfills.js & undefined is not a constructor (evaluating 'System.config')
#139 opened by ivarreukers - 5
Cannot get debug option to activate
#132 opened by joallard - 0
I could not use the FormData API.
#137 opened by janryWang - 1
1.0.2 release request
#136 opened by g00fy- - 0
- 3
Is there a way to check the environment?
#134 opened - 2
Error installing
#133 opened by cheskos - 3
TypeError: undefined is not an object
#128 opened by iam-peekay - 1
Please Test code Using karma (Angularjs)
#122 opened by MakkaHareesh - 0
PhantomJS: Can't find variable: console
#121 opened - 0