
a experimental custom fedora silverblue OCI image based on ublue-os with the hyprland wayland compositor

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hyprgreen main

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A custom experimental fedora silverblue/kinote OCI image, based on ublue-os with the hyprland wayland compositor.


Hyprgreen is in no way supported by, or a part of: Fedora project, UBlue-OS, Hyprland or any other Software or Project mentioned.
The Hyprgreen Project is Licensed under the Apache v2 License, however you may be subject to other Licenses from other software incuded.
Please read the Code of Conduct before contributing to hyprgreen, (credit to ublue-os).

Table of Contents


Why not?

Whats incuded?

All of ublue-os's features:

See: full list of ublue-os's features

Desktop enviroment:

  • hyprland dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.
  • waybar polybar like wlroots status bar
  • alacritty fast terminal with GPU acceleration
  • sddm kde's Simple Desktop Display Manager
  • clipman clipboard manager
  • wofi rofi like lancher for wayand
  • mako notication deamon
  • wlogout logout screen for wayland
  • gnome polkit gnome's policy kit
  • gamescope & xwayland SteamOS's micro-compositor and xorg emulation layer
  • qt5 Wayland Support
  • pipewire & wireplumber
  • xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland hyprland's extended version of xdg-desktop-portal

Preinstalled apps:

Command line apps:
  • youtube-dl
  • ffmpeg
Graphical apps:
  • thunar file manager
  • eye of mate image viewer
  • qt5ct qt5 settings
wlroots & wayland utils:
  • wtype xdotool for wayland
  • wlsunset nightmode/redshift for wayland
  • wlr-randr xrandr for wayland
  • swaybg wallpaper setter for wlroots
  • swaylock lock screen for wlroots
  • swayidle idle screen for wlroot
  • grim & grimshot screenshoting tool for wayland
Meida players (video & audio):
  • mpv a powerfull video player
  • mpd the music player deamon

System Tweaks:

Hyprgreen comes with a few System tweaks predone:

  • Set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP & XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP to sway improve compatibility with graphical apps

Incuded flatpak remotes:

Hyprgreen comes with serveral flatpak remotes prenabled:

  • fedora fedora's offical flatpak remote
  • fedora testing fedora's testing flatpak remote
  • flathub flathub's offical flatpak remote
  • flathub beta flathub's beta flatpak remote
  • elemenetoryOS appcenter elementory os's flatpak remote
  • kde apps nightly kde's flatpak remote
  • gnome apps nightly gnome's flatpak remote

Tips and tricks:

See: ublue-os's tips and tricks

Install via Rebase

Rebase to the latest hyprgreen tag (recomended)

see Install the latest release of hyprgreen via rebase

sudo rpm-ostree rebase --experimental ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/hyprgreen/main:latest

Rebase to a specific hyprgreen tag

tag see Install a specific release of hyprgreen via rebase

sudo rpm-ostree rebase --experimental ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/hyprgreen/main:v38.0.2

Rebase to the hyprgreen nightly build (Not Recomended)

Install the nightly build of hyprgreen (Not Recomended) via rebase

sudo rpm-ostree rebase --experimental ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/hyprgreen/main:nightly

Rebase to the hyprgreen git build (Not Recomended)

Install the 'git' build of hyprgreen (Not Recomended) via rebase

sudo rpm-ostree rebase --experimental ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/hyprgreen/main:main


For latest,nightly or git users:

sudo rpm-ostree update

For specific tag users:

  • check for any new relases. see
  • then rebase to the new specific release tag
# example
sudo rpm-ostree rebase --experimental ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/hyprgreen/main:v38.0.5


These images are signed with sisgstore's cosign. You can verify the signature by downloading the cosign.pub key from this repo and running the following command:

cosign verify --key cosign.pub ghcr.io/hyprgreen/main

If you're forking this repo you should read the docs on keeping secrets in github. You need to generate a new keypair with cosign. The public key can be in your public repo (your users need it to check the signatures), and you can paste the private key in Settings -> Secrets -> Actions.

ISO installer?

Not yet maybe one day