Buzzwire Experiment Code

This repository contains the Unity and Arduino project files developed for the first buzzwire experiment conducted at COBE lab with two conditions : VR and physical.


The projects can be found in the sub-folders listed below. The software requirements for each project and further details are listed in the individual README files.

  1. BuzzWireArduinoCode - Arduino code for the arduinos running in the physical condition setup
  2. BuzzWireTestArduinoCode - Arduino code for the arduinos running in the pre/post-test setups
  3. BuzzwireUnityService - Unity project for the physical condition managing haptic/audio feedback and sending event signals from the arduino along to iMotions
  4. BuzzwireVR - Unity project for the VR condition managing visual/haptic/audio feedback and sending event signals from the arduino along to iMotions
  5. HardwareDesigns - Files used for 3D printing the Oculus handle, and electronics layout diagrams (made with fritzing)

Authors and acknowledgment

  • Programming (Unity/Arduino) - Unnikrishnan Radhakrishnan, PhD fellow, Aarhus University
  • Design of experiment - Unnikrishnan Radhakrishnan, Konstantinos Koumaditis, Francesco Chinello
  • Hardware - Francesco Chinello, Unnikrishnan Radhakrishnan


todo : add screenshots