
An automagical social media follower: follow me on ANY platform to follow me on EVERY platform!


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👇 Follow me on ANY platform to follow me on EVERY platform! 👇

Number One Fan

The idea is to make it easy to follow somebody across all social media platforms. Could be expressed as a web or mobile app. Key features:

Account Creation

User can create an account & identify his desired social media platforms. EVEN BETTER: Create an account WITH a social media account & indicate desired accounts by connecting them.

Target Designation

User drops a link to a social media account of interest.

The Payoff


  • App parses the provided social media profile & extracts any additional social media links.
  • Process recurses until it has a complete list.
  • App presents the list to the user and he clicks through & follows.

Better: If the user's social media accounts are arrached with appropriate permissions, app creates the follows on the user's behalf.

Probably don't just want to follow without some kind of confirmation because a profile could easily mention somebody else's profile. Don't want to wind up following the whole world.


  • App watches who you follow on ANY platform and follows that person for you on EVERY platform.
  • You could watch a set of profiles & follow whover they follow.
  • You could automatically follow new platforms for a given target.

Discussions In The Wild

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