
The web client-server app to sign up for private events

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The web app to sign up for private events. Users can find events only by entering the unique keys and sign up without the awareness of bystanders.

Server app avaliable https://github.com/karmazynow-a/meetUP-server



Framework ReactJS + Redux.

Also used:


RESTful web service with JEE. Database queries are managed with JPA.

On branch JDBC there is JDBC version of queries management, where the answers are passed by objects, not with lists like in JPA version.


PostgreSQL cloud database ElephantSQL


Before running locally server or client app you have to provide database credentials in meetUP-server/WebContent/META-INF/context.xml and link to the database in order to send the REST queries in meetUP-client/src/config.js

More information about installing or deploying on IBM Cloud are available in documentation.


To install client app use:

npm install
npm start


To run server application locally you can use Eclipse environment with installed Tomcat Server. The details are in the documentation.

Also you will need extra libraries:

  • jstl
  • postgre

After downloading the *.jar files put them inside meetUP-server/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/.

Future development ideas

  • return to JDBC (JPA was required) or chande JPA to objects not lists
  • add polish language
  • add animation for disappering and appearing cards
  • block from accessing events by id that user is not participant