
a simple blood bank API. It doesn't not have any html or css. Just nodejs and sql.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

blood bank-API

a simple blood bank API.For learning Goals.

About this small project

a simple blood bank API. It does not have any HTML or CSS. Just nodejs and SQL.

Achievements :

The data in our API is:

Patients: name, id, blood group Donors: name, id, blood group, contact number, blood bank Blood bank: name, city, contact number, list of donors. endpoints available will be:

/donors with get and post methods. /patients with get and post methods /blood-banks with get and post methods.


I wrote 1 test for each endpoint.

Using myApp

  1. clone this Repo
  2. npm init - y
  3. npm i
  4. Create your local database through these commands at the terminal
CREATE DATABASE (name of database);
CREATE USER (name of the user) WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD (put password);
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database name here> TO <desired username entered previously>;
  1. Create .env file and add the DATABASE_URL
  2. npm start for localhost
  3. npm run test

Enjoy learning new things BY @karmelyoei 🎭