Ruby on Rails - Ruby & Ruby on Rails Basics - Ruby Basics - Project


For today's challenge, you are going to set up some data and then use irb to perform some operations on that data.

In order to get started, you will first need to create a candidates.rb file. Inside that file, you will define three hashes: jane, sara, and jason. Each hash should contain all of the data as shown in the tables shown below:


key value value type
first_name Jane string
last_name Doe string
level senior_level symbol
age 30 integer
occupation Software Developer string
employed true boolean
current_salary 125,000.00 float
languages Ruby, JavaScript, Go array of strings


key value value type
first_name Sara string
last_name Smith string
level mid_level symbol
age 26 integer
occupation Software Developer string
employed true boolean
current_salary 80,000.00 float
languages Ruby, Python array of strings


key value value type
first_name Jason string
last_name Gray string
level entry_level symbol
age 23 integer
occupation Student string
employed false boolean
current_salary 0.00 float
languages C++, Python array of strings


Step One - Data Setup

  1. Create candidates.rb file.
  2. Create 3 different hashes based on the table of data above and assign them to variables jane, sara, and jason (use symbol keys and no hashrockets).
  3. Paste all three hashes being assigned to variables into irb.
  4. Call each variable to make sure it exists and is assigned to the correct hash.
  5. Create an array named candidates that contains the three hashes (jane, sara, and jason).

Step Two - Average Age

We need to provide some analytics to our HR department about our job candidates. They want the average age of our current candidate pool.

  1. Define a method named average_age that accepts an argument named people.

    • The method should iterate over the list of people passed into it, extracting their age values using map.
    • The method should then use reduce to sum all the ages
    • Finally, it should divide that sum by the size of the original people list to determine the average age
  2. The result must be the floating point fractional average age (the division cannot be based on integer only divison) of the people passed into the method.

  3. Run your newly defined method against the candidates list in irb and paste your method and the result into a new average_age.rb file

Step Three - Language Screening

We need to be able to filter our list of candidates based on the language we are hiring for. We want to find which candidates would be a good match for an interview.

  1. Define a method named language_screening that accepts two arguments: people (an array) and language (a string).

  2. Return the members of the people list that know the language that was passed in.

    • the language comparisons should be case insensitive
  3. Call the method with the following options and past your results and the method itself into a file named language_screening.rb.

    • language_screening(candidates, "Python")
    • language_screening(candidates, "GO")
    • language_screening(candidates, "javascript")