
Code for preprocessing genome wide variants and analysis of manuscript "Local Ancestry Informed Candidate Pathway Analysis of Warfarin Stable Dose in Latino Populations"

Primary LanguageR



This document will walk you through all the code used from raw genetic data to analysis but will not entirely cover how helper documents were made or the exact code of the analysis.

NOTE: In the case of the replication data, this is not the exact code that was run because some file locations are different.

Quality Filtering

We first removed Non-SNPs from the dataset for ease of downstream analyses.

plink2 --bfile data --snps-only 'just-acgt' --chr 1-22 --recode vcf --out data_snpsonly

2 038 233 variants were loaded from rawdata and 1 908 435 variants remain.

6.37% of variants were removed with –snps-only.

–snps-only excludes all variants with one or more multi-character allele codes. With ‘just-acgt’, variants with single-character allele codes outside of {‘A’, ‘C’, ‘G’, ‘T’, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘g’, ‘t’, } are also excluded.

We next included some quality filtering thresholds to remove really ugly data prior to imputation.

fail_IDs.txt was made by playing around in plinkQC in R (src/QC_preimputation.R), rather than employing QC via PLINK alone. Hapmap samples (n = 6) and duplicates (and one triplicate, n = 22) were included in this list along with sex check failures (n=3), one individual per pair with cryptic relatedness (n=2), and those with >10% missingness (n=7).

plink1.9 --bfile data_snpsonly --geno 0.1 --hwe 1e-10 --remove fail_IDs.txt --maf 0.0000001 --make-bed --out data_snpsonly_clean

1 028 367 variants and 142 people pass filters and QC at R2 < 0.2

–geno filters out all variants with missing call rates exceeding the provided value (default 0.1) to be removed –hwe filters out all variants which have Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium exact test p-value below the provided threshold. –maf filters out all variants with minor allele frequency below the provided threshold (default 0.01)

46.11% of variant sites have been removed and 11.25% of the samples were removed.

Imputation Pre-Processing

The TOPMed imputation server has some documentation about data preprocessing. I didn’t do a good job following those steps.


Then do checkVCF.py because TOPMed wont run without it (or something similar).

I did the below so that it was easier to remove the SNPs that checkVCF.py was calling. There are other ways to do this.

First, I changed the names of the files I was working with so that they wouldn’t contain a1, a2 in the SNP ID column

bcftools annotate -Ov -x 'ID' -I +'%CHROM:%POS' data_snpsonly_clean.vcf > data_snpsonly_clean_chrpos.vcf

changing this to -Oz and adding .gz to the end would zip this file.

Next, I ran the checkvcf script

python2 /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/data/preimpute/checkVCF.py -r /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/data/preimpute/hs37d5.fa -o test data_snpsonly_clean_chrpos.vcf; done 

I wrote the dups to a new file

awk '{print $2}' test.check.dup > test.check.dup2

and excluded the duplicates this way

plink2 --bfile data_snpsonly_clean_chrpos --exclude test.check.dup2 --make-bed --out data_snpsonly_clean_chrpos_nodups

987613 variants remain (0.0396298% were removed)

Will Rayner Toolbox

Next, I ran this tool

# first get a frequency file from plink
plink1.9 --bfile /home/shared/PR/qcdir/data_snpsonly_clean_chrpos_nodups --freq --out pr

perl /home/shared/TOPMed/HRC-1000G-check-bim.pl -b /home/shared/PR/qcdir/data_snpsonly_clean_chrpos_nodups.bim -f pr.frq -r PASS.Variantsbravo-dbsnp-all.tab.gz -h

0.1219992% were removed here


Next, I created new bash script to 1) call plink1.9, 2) ouput vcfs, and 3) include first file’s location

bash Run-plink_hs.sh

Finally, zip up the chromosomes to import to TOPMed.

for i in {1..22};do bcftools sort chr${i}.vcf -Oz -o chr${i}.vcf.gz ;done



upload to TOPMed Reference Panel: TOPMed r2 Array Build: GRCh37 rsq Filter: 0.2 Phasing: Eagle v2.4 QC Frequency Check: Skip Mode: QC & Imputation

download the data with the TOPMed provided curl command you’ll ALWAYS need the password that was emailed to you to unzip the files so don’t delete the email.

837 042 variants and 142 people pass QC filters.

for i in {1..22}; do unzip chr_${i}.zip;done


Prior to concatenating the dosage files into an autosomes.bcf file, use other R2 cutoffs to filter the data at varying quality:

for i in {1..22};do bcftools view -i 'R2>.9' -Oz chr${i}.80.dose.vcf.gz > chr${i}.90.dose.vcf.gz; done

Then concatenate all the chromosomes to one file of autosomes

bcftools concat chr{1..22}.dose.vcf.gz -Ou -o ../autosomes.bcf

move out of the chr/ directory

# convert bcf to bim/bed/fam
plink2 --bcf autosomes.bcf --make-bed --out autosomes 

# convert bfiles to ped/map/fam
plink1.9 --bfile autosomes --recode --out autosomes

18 614 232 variants and 142 people pass QC filters with R2 < 0.2

15 468 768 variants and 142 people pass QC filters with R2 < 0.1

9 819 921 variants and 142 people pass QC filters with R2 < 0.01


Then, LiftOver back to GRCh37 with liftOverPlink. I had to change the pathname of the LiftOver program to liftover from LiftOver with nano.

# first liftover
for f in 80 90 99; do python2 liftOverPlink.py --map autosomes.$f.map --out lifted --chain hg38ToHg19.over.chain.gz; done 

# find bad lifts
for f in 80 90 99; do python2 rmBadLifts.py --map lifted.$f.map --out  good_lifted.$f.map --log bad_lifted.$f.dat; done 

# clean up the liftover
for f in 80 90 99; do cut -f 2 bad_lifted.$f.dat > to_exclude.$f.dat; done 
for f in 80 90 99; do cut -f 4 lifted.$f.bed.unlifted | sed "/^#/d" >> to_exclude.$f.dat ; done 

# Note: this will clobber the lifted MAP file generated by `liftOverPlink`:
for f in 80 90 99; do plink1.9 --file autosomes.$f --recode --out lifted.$f --exclude to_exclude.$f.dat  ; done 
for f in 80 90 99; do plink1.9 --ped lifted.$f.ped --map good_lifted.$f.map --recode --out final.$f; done 

Use plink to create one VCF/chromosome

for f in 80 90 99; do for i in {1..22}; do plink1.9 --file final.$f --recode vcf bgz --chr ${i} --out chr${i}_lifted.$f; done; done

Then, zip and use vcf tools to index the new VCFs

for f in 80 90 99; do for i in {1..22}; do bcftools index chr${i}_lifted.$f.vcf.gz; done; done


Re-phase with Eagle_v2.4.1 because that’s what RFMix and ExtractTracts.py need.

for f in 80 90 99; do for i in {1..22}; do eagle --vcfTarget chr${i}_lifted.$f.vcf.gz --vcfRef /home/karnes/general/1000g_phase3_nomulti_allelic/ALL.chr${i}.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5b.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz --geneticMapFile /home/karnes/general/genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt --chrom ${i} --numThreads 8 --outPrefix phased_chr${i}_lifted.$f; done; done

Create a phased, lifted file of concatenated chromosomes.

for f in 80 90 99; do bcftools concat phased_chr{1..22}_lifted.$f.vcf.gz -Oz -o phased_autosomes_lifted.$f.vcf.gz; done

double check your file is phased by looking for | between alleles for each variant in the .vcf file

Local Ancestry Inference

Local ancestry inference with RFmix_v2


for f in 80 90 99; do for i in {1..22}; do rfmix -f /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/data/imputed/topmed/chr/phased_chr${i}_lifted.$f.vcf.gz -r /home/karnes/general/HGDP_1000G_Merge_Results/chr/chr${i}.vcf.gz --chromosome=${i} -m ../ref_pops.txt -g /home/shared/reference_data/b37_map_files/b37_map_files/b37.gmap -e 1 -o chr${i}.$f;done;done

Created chr/chr* files with bash for i in {1..22};do plink1.9 --bfile hgdp1000ghg19 --recode vcf bgz --chr ${i} --out chr${i} from the end of the Merging HGDP and 1000 Genomes Pipeline (performed by John Feng in the Karnes Lab in 2021) and phased with bash eagle --vcfTarget chr${i}.vcf.gz --vcfRef /home/karnes/general/1000g_phase3_nomulti_allelic/ALL.chr${i}.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5b.20130502.genotypes.vcf.gz --geneticMapFile /home/karnes/general/genetic_map_hg19_withX.txt --chrom ${i} --numThreads 8 --outPrefix phased_chr${i}

Painted Karyograms

as per Dr. Atkinson:

for f in 80 90 99; do for i in {1..22}; do awk '{ if ($1!~"#") print $0 }' chr${i}.$f.msp.tsv | awk '{ if ($1!~"#") print $0 }'| cut -f2,4 > chr${i}.$f.rfmix.snp_loc; done; done

for f in 80 90 99; do for i in {1..22}; do awk '{ if ($1!~"#") print $0 }' chr${i}.$f.msp.tsv | awk '{ if ($1!~"#") print $0 }' > chr${i}.$f.msp1.tsv; done ; done

for f in 80 90 99; do for i in {1..22}; do cut -f7- chr${i}.$f.msp1.tsv > chr${i}.$f.Viterbi.tsv; done; done

via armartin/ancestry_pipeline

mkdir plots before this step but don’t go inside of it

for f in 80 90 99; do for i in {1..22}; do cat ../study.sample | while read line; do python2 /home/karnes/general/ancestry_pipeline/collapse_ancestry1.py --rfmix chr${i}.$f.Viterbi.tsv --snp_locations chr${i}.$f.rfmix.snp_loc --ind $line --ind_info ../study.sample --pop_labels "IBS,NAT,YRI" --out plots/$line ;done;done;done

cd plots before this step

for f in 80 90 99; do printf '%s\n' *.$f.A.bed > bed_list_a.$f.txt; done

for f in 80 90 99; do printf '%s\n' *.$f.B.bed > bed_list_b.$f.txt; done

for f in 80 90 99; do paste -d ' ' bed_list_a.$f.txt bed_list_b.$f.txt > bed_list.$f.txt;done

cd back out to plot karyograms

for f in 80 90 99; do cat ../../study.sample | while read line; do \
python2 /home/karnes/general/ancestry_pipeline/plot_karyogram1.py \
--bed_a plots/$line.A.bed \
--bed_b plots/$line.B.bed \
--ind $line \
--centromeres /home/karnes/general/ancestry_pipeline/centromeres_hg19.bed \
--pop_order IBS,NAT,YRI \
--out plots/$line.$f.png ;done; done

Global Ancestry Estimates

and obtain global ancestry estimates

for f in 80 90 99; do for POP in IBS,NAT; do python2 /home/karnes/general/ancestry_pipeline/lai_global_f.py \
--bed_list bed_list.$f.txt \
--ind_list ../../../study.sample \
--pops IBS,NAT,YRI \
--out ../lai_global.$f.txt; done; done

The lai_global_f.py script was updated by John Feng to fit the bed files I produced above.


Extract Tracts

combine MSP files prior to ExtractTracts.py (9/11/21 email from Elizabeth Atkinson)

for f in 80 90 99; do head -2 chr1.$f.msp.tsv > autosomes.$f.msp.tsv; done
for f in 80 90 99; do tail -n +3 -q chr*.$f.msp.tsv >> autosomes.$f.msp.tsv; done

as per Dr. Atkinson, again

for f in 80 90 99; do python3 /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/Tractor/ExtractTracts.py --msp autosomes --vcf /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/data/imputed/topmed/phased_autosomes_lifted.80 --zipped --num-ancs 3; done

mv /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/data/imputed/topmed/*anc* /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/Tractor/runs/ibs_nat_yri/


then do GWAS in hail with python script hail.py as per the rest of the materials in the github! There is an example python script, jupyter notebook and a wiki that describes the process.

STOP: Need to “fix” the hapcount datasets that come out of ExtractTracts.py prior to running hail

for i in {0..2}; do cut -f4,5 --complement phased_autosomes_lifted.anc${i}.hapcount.txt > anc${i}.hapcount.hail.txt; done

STOP: Need to filter vcf for vitamin K gene variants prior to running hail

plink1.9 --vcf /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/data/imputed/topmed/phased_autosomes_lifted.80.vcf.gz --extract range /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/candidate_genes/vitkgenes_plink.txt --recode vcf-iid bgz --double-id --out /home/steiner/GWAS_MAY2021/candidate_genes/vitk_phased_autosomes_lifted.80

Then we run the non-local ancestry adjusted models in plink with something like:

for f in 80 90 99; do plink1.9 --vcf ../../data/imputed/topmed/phased_autosomes_lifted.$f.vcf.gz --pheno ../plink_covariates.txt --linear --pheno-name dose --allow-no-sex --remove ../../Tractor/runs/ibs_nat/plink/fail_IDs.txt --maf 0.05 --hwe 1e-6  --out vitk.$f_PCadjusted_maf5_hwe6_rmdoseoutliers --ci 0.95 --covar ../plink_covariates.txt --covar-name PC1, PC2, PC3 --hide-covar --extract range ../../candidate_genes/vitkgenes_plink.txt --const-fid; done

From here, the goal is to narrow down on SNPs that might actually have an effect when we can’t really use bonferroni cutoffs to do this because of extremely low power. Filter through each linear.assoc file and find variants that meet a threshold of p < 0.0125 in both cohorts while retaining effects in the same direction with regression_results.R.

Then narrow down the Tractor model hits with tractor_regression_results.R. Again we’ll filter variants that meet a liberal threshold - we’ll hold that to variants that meet that threshold in any tested founder ancestry (the p values are separated by ancestry)

Take the SNP IDs from each of these “hits”, in both PC and LA adjusted models, and pull the genotypes for each individual for further examine the effect in the cohort. Use something like {bash} plink1.9 --vcf ../../data/imputed/topmed/phased_autosomes_lifted.90.vcf.gz --const-fid --extract vitk_pcadj_replications.txt --out vitk90_pcadj_replications --make-bed for example and then plot with the replicates.R and tractor_replicates.R scripts. We’ll also get the hardy weinberg estimates, here. Use {bash} plink1.9 --bfile vitk90_pcadj_replications --hardy --out vitk90_pcadj_replications

Stop here! The plink query isn’t working for the hail results. Need to update build info?