Audio and Video recorder

Demo of the project

This is a audio and video recorder which asks for permission from the user to record the audio or video. Once the permission is given to the browser to record, it can record audio and video according to the user's preference and upload it on the server. The results will be displayed in the console. Below are the steps to go through the project.

Clone the repository

  • Open the terminal on your device
  • Paste the following code git clone
  • Press Enter to create your own local clone

Installation Steps

  • cd audio-video-recorder
  • npm install
  • npm start
  • Your project is live on localhost:3000!!!

Project's Working

  1. After cloning and installing, the main page of the project will be displayed.
  2. There will be a video recorder by default and to activate the recorder, the permission must be given to the browser by clicking on "Allow" prompt.
  3. An audio button will switch the recorder from video to audio recording.
  4. Below the recordings, there is an "upload" button which will send the data to a server. (mock api through
  5. Once the data is uploaded, the result will be displayed in the console.
  6. Additional: There is a button to download the files in your local device.

Happy Coding!