
A simple tool for conducting online coding contest

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This name is derived from Code and Hack which combined gives CodeAck . Since we were making something related to coding and that would eventually increase your coding skill we found this name facinating.

Project Description

This is generally a coding platform where student from our college can do their weekely questions smoothly.This is multi-language based platform which support majorly used language like C++, Java , Javascript, C and Python.

Here , we used React Js and Tailwind for frontend and for the backend part we used Node Js. We used this technologies because React provides us the most supporting community that we have ever seen and Keeping scalability in mind we choose Node js since this project is going to be scalable in future.

How to Install and Run the Project.

steps 1) Fork the repo, so that you can clone it to your local desktop.


steps 2) Navigate to the Code , Copy the URL


steps 3) Open Terminal.

steps 4) Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.

steps 5) Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier.

$ git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY

steps 6) Go to your project file (CodeAck) and run npm install so that your get all the packages available if missed .

steps 7) Repeat the same with frontend client folder and backend server folder.

how to contribute to the Front-end of codeAck?

step 1) Go to the file where you have cloned this porject open terminal and enter client side of the project

cd client

step 2) download all the node modules by npm install


VS Code Postman MongoDb Github

NodeJs Javascript MongoDb Mongoose