Observer pattern

The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, called the subject or observable, manages a list of dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any internal state changes, and calls one of thier methods.


1.Clone this repo.
2.Run `make run` to build and run program.
3.Run `make` to build program.
4.Run `make docs` to generate documentation.
5.Run 'make test' to run tests.
6.Run `make clean` to remove executables, build folder and documentation files.

File structure

src: Application source files.
include: All project header files.
bin: Executable files.
docs: Doxyfile and generated documentation files.
build: Temp build location.

Source files

client.cpp: contains implementation of methods for the client class
weatherstation.cpp: contains implementation of methods for the WeatherStation class
main.cpp: client code - here u can deal with weatherstation :)

Include files

observable.h: declaration of interface for ovservables classes
observer.h: declaration of interface for observers classes
client.h: declaration of client class
weatherstation.h: declaration of weatherstation class

UML Diagram


Test framework

Google Test

Make sure that you have installed this framework