
jQuery Capty - A Caption Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

 * jQuery Capty - A Caption Plugin - http://wbotelhos.com/capty
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * jQuery Capty is a plugin that creates captions over the images.
 * Licensed under The MIT License
 * @version     0.2.1
 * @since       12.18.2010
 * @author      Washington Botelho dos Santos
 * @link        http://wbotelhos.com/capty
 * @twitter     http://twitter.com/wbotelhos
 * @license     http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT 
 * @package     jQuery Plugins
 * Thanks to:
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * DinisM
 * Default values:
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * animation:   'slide'             // The captions animation type: 'slide', 'fade' or 'fixed'.
 * cCaption:    'capty-caption'     // The class name of the wrapper caption.
 * cImage:      'capty-image'       // The class name of the wrapper image.
 * cWrapper:    'capty-wrapper'     // The class name of the wrapper image and caption.
 * height:      30                  // The height of the caption.
 * opacity:     .7                  // The opacity of the caption.
 * prefix:      ''                  // The text/html that will be applied at the beginning of the legend.
 * speed:       200                 // The speed in which caption will appear and disappear.
 * sufix:       ''                  // The text/html that will be applied at the end of the caption.
 * Usage with default values:
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * $('#capty').capty();
 * <img id="capty" src="image.jpg" alt="Super Mario Bros.&reg;" width="150" height="150"/>