

Creates a csv report with billed hours from Tempo
Available arguments:

  • -b/--beginDate starting range of date in yyyy-mm-dd format, the default is the first day of the previous month
  • -e/--endDate ending date range in yyyy-mm-dd format, default is the first day of the current month
  • -k/--projectKey billed hours can be took from a specific project, just enter its key, in other case script will download billed hours from all projects
  • -f/--ftpHost host to which the report is to be sent
  • -d/--ftpDir path to which the report is to be sent (if it does not exist and the user has the appropriate permissions, it will be created)
  • -u/--ftpUser user that the script should use to send the report to FTP
  • -p/--ftpPassword Password needed to log in to FTP (if needed)
  • -m/--recipientMail Report recipient, you can enter several recipients in the format -m mail1 mail2 mail3


Execute a workflow transition in order to change status of linked issue when issue triggered by event is closed. Linked issue needs to be from Service Desk project type. Need to add it as listener in Scriptrunner and assign the selected event from workflow


Adds a selected group of watchers to issue. Need to add it as listener in Scriptrunner and assign the 'Issue Created' event


Customer organization manager. Jira does not allow to add groups to organizations (only single users), so thanks to this script it is possible to manage members of specified organization stored in one xml file, which location is defined as variable SRC_FILE. Available arguments:

  • --update_list command to update organizations list, if any no longer exists will be deleted from file, also if any new was added to Jira - it will be added to file
  • --update_org command to update users in organization referring to groups in file
  • --add_group command to add group to organization, need to point organization as -o/--organization and group/s as -g/--group
  • -o/--organization provide organization id value, to check organization id's type -l/--list, only usable with --add_group and -g/--group
  • -g/--group provide group name value, select which group add to pointed organization, it is possible to provide multiple groups in format [-g group1 group2 ... ], only usable with --add_group and -o/--organization
  • -l/--list lists organizations and groups stored in xml file, also sorts