Environments for mastering AWS DevOps Engineer skills
Stack names have the following format:
- in Pascal Case
Stack names will be used as a part of resource name given by CloudFormation.
- Resources in CloudFormation: Pascal case (PascalCase)
- Exports: Pascal case and hyphens (
) - File names: Kebab case (kebab-case)
- SSM parameters: Pascal case
Avoid All Caps (Vpc instead of VPC etc.)
Avoid numbers (One instead of 1)
- sg: security group
All resources should inherit or have added the following tags:
Component (optional)
- Network
- Security
- Data
- App (Application)
Function (optional)
- Core: All resources related to the core project business functions
- Security: resources used for securing the environment
- Compliance: resources used for compliance, auditing etc. (CloudTrail & Config belong here)
- Operations: monitoring, logging, alerts, notifications, env. management
- DevOps: code repositories, CI/CD (testing, builds, deployments), patching updates etc.
- Finance: budgets, cost control
BusinessUnit (optional)
EC2 instances must have tags for:
: for grouping instances in deployment groups (used later by CodeDeploy)PatchingGroup
: patching groups (used later by SSM)
- Nested stacks: should be avoided, but are acceptable for networks and for resources combined in one layer (like an application layer), not acceptable for resources that store data (databases)
- Avoid import / exports
- Use SSM parameters for referencing resources from other stacks