
A form validator script for data validation when form submit

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status


Install the composer

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Edit composer.json

	"require": {
		"zeuxisoo/core-validator": "dev-master"

Install/update your dependencies

php composer.phar install


Load the validation library

use \Zeuxisoo\Core\Validator;

Initial the Validator object by $_POST

$validator = Validator::factory($_POST);

The example of $_POST like:

$_POST = array(
	'username' => "",
	'password' => "123456",
	'confirm_password' => "125",
	'first_name' => "123",
	'telephone' => '123456789',
	'email' => "abc@abc",
	'emails' => "abc@abc.com,abc@abc.com,abc",
	'url' => "",
	'ip' => '',
	'title' => '123a',
	'age' => 17,
	'custom' => "2001-12",
	'gender' => 'boy',
	'zip_code' => 1002,

Then, add the target keys/fields and checking rules

$validator = Validator::factory($data);
$validator->add('username', 'Pleas enter username')->rule('required');
$validator->add('username', 'The username must less than 4 char')->rule('min_length', 4);	// empty so not show
$validator->add('password', 'Password not match input value')->rule('match_value', $data['confirm_password']);
$validator->add('first_name', 'The first name not match given pattern')->rule('match_pattern', '/^[A-Za-z]/');
$validator->add('password', 'Password not match given field')->rule('match_field', 'confirm_password');
$validator->add('confirm_password', 'Confirm password must more than 4 char')->rule('min_length', 4);
$validator->add('telephone', 'The telephone number must less than 8 char')->rule('max_length', 8);
$validator->add('telephone', 'The telephone number length must equals 8 char')->rule('exact_length', 8);
$validator->add('email', 'Invalid email address')->rule('valid_email');
$validator->add('url', 'Invalid email address')->rule('valid_url');
$validator->add('ip', 'Invalid ip address')->rule('valid_ip');
$validator->add('title', 'The string is not alpha string')->rule('valid_string');
$validator->add('age', 'The age must less than 18 age')->rule('numeric_min', 18);
$validator->add('age', 'The age must bigger than 16 age')->rule('numeric_max', 16);
$validator->add('custom', 'The value is not much the custom format')->rule('custom', function($val) {
	return preg_match('/2001\-10/', $val) > 0;
$validator->add('name', 'The name is equals to Tomcat')->rule('is_true', function($val) {
	return $val === "Tomcat";
$validator->add('name', 'The name is not equals to Cattom')->rule('is_false', function($val) {
	return $val === "Cattom";
$validator->add('gender', "The gender is supported")->rule('between', array('boy', 'girl'));
$validator->add('zip_code', 'The zip code is not exists')->rule('key_exists', array(
	1002 => "B",
	1003 => "C",
	1004 => "D",

But, you can make it chainable like

$validator->add('username', 'Pleas enter username')->rule('required')
		  ->add('username', 'The username must less than 4 char')->rule('min_length', 4)
		  ->add('password', 'Password not match input value')->rule('match_value', $data['confirm_password'])
		  ->add('first_name', 'The first name not match given pattern')->rule('match_pattern', '/^[A-Za-z]/')
		  ->add('password', 'Password not match given field')->rule('match_field', 'confirm_password')
		  ->add('confirm_password', 'Confirm password must more than 4 char')->rule('min_length', 4)
		  ->add('telephone', 'The telephone number must less than 8 char')->rule('max_length', 8)
		  ->add('telephone', 'The telephone number length must equals 8 char')->rule('exact_length', 8)
		  ->add('email', 'Invalid email address')->rule('valid_email')
		  ->add('url', 'Invalid email address')->rule('valid_url')
		  ->add('ip', 'Invalid ip address')->rule('valid_ip')
		  ->add('title', 'The string is not alpha string')->rule('valid_string')
		  ->add('age', 'The age must less than 18 age')->rule('numeric_min', 18)
		  ->add('age', 'The age must bigger than 16 age')->rule('numeric_max', 16)
		  ->add('custom', 'The value is not much the custom format')->rule('custom', function($val) {
				return preg_match('/2001\-10/', $val) > 0;
			})->rule('valid_string', array('utf8', 'alpha', 'lowercase'))
		  ->add('name', 'The name is equals to Tomcat')->rule('is_true', function($val) {
		  		return $val === "Tomcat";
		  ->add('name', 'The name is not equals to Cattom')->rule('is_false', function($val) {
				return $val === "Cattom";
		  ->add('gender', "The gender is supported")->rule('between', array('boy', 'girl'));
		  ->add('zip_code', 'The zip code is not exists')->rule('key_exists', array(
				1002 => "B",
				1003 => "C",
				1004 => "D",

Finally, when you added rules completely, you can run the checking.

if ($validator->inValid() === true) {
	foreach($validator->errors() as $error) {
		echo "<p>",$error,"</p>";

The method $validator->inValid() or alias method $validator->valid() will return the status of validation (true is contain error), the $validator->error() will contain all error messages. if you just want to show first error message, you can use method: $validator->firstError()

if ($validator->inValid() === true) {
	echo $validator->firstError(); // pop first error

All avaliable method:

min_length, 100
match_value, "string"
match_pattern, /regex/
match_field, "post_field"
max_length, 100
exact_length, 8               (equals length)
numeric_min, 18
numeric_max, 16
custom, callback
is_true, callback             (callback result is true)
is_false, callback            (callback result is false)
between, array('HK', 'TW')
key_exists, array(1 => 'A',)