Arduino code for a cyberpunk-styled jacket with programmable embroidered snap-on RFID patches that control LED lighting effects & animations.
See the full project documentation here!
In short, we have a jacket
file that instantiates all variables to be used in the rest of the project. Pin numbers, num of lights, NeoPixel instantiations…the works.
files include the animations for each light strand and matrix per type.
includes light helpers that are not specific to any animation; such as setting up lights as the NeoPixel library requires via setup(), casing on what is read through the NTAGs and playing the appropriate animation, clearing all lights, etc.
is where all the reading of the NFC magic is stored. It reads page by page and constructs a message, then looks for a delimiter (, in our case) and strips that message of extraneous characters.
is where we have our setup() and loop() functions and call methods within helpers_x to read NTAGs and update lights.