
A wrapper for LibSVM that lets you train SVM's directly on Eigen library matrices in C++

Primary LanguageC++


Andrej Karpathy 1 May 2012

This is a small C++ wrapper to call libsvm if you use the Eigen matrix library. Dependencies consist of libsvm and eigen3 library. Current support is only for dense matrices with linear kernel svm.


vector<int> yhat;
SVMClassifier svm;
svm.train(X, y);
svm.test(X, yhat);

where X is an Eigen::MatrixXf NxD matrix, y is an Eigen::MatrixXf Nx1 matrix of labels (-1 or 1), or a vector<int> of labels. You can also save and load the models:


there is now also functionality to directly get the weights:

Eigen::MatrixXf w;
float b;
svm.getw(w, b);
Eigen::MatrixXf margin= ((X * w).array() + b).matrix(); // yhat = sign(margin)

See demo for details.


$ sudo apt-get install libsvm-dev  
$ sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev  
$ git clone git@github.com:karpathy/EigenLibSVM.git  
$ cd EigenLibSVM  
$ mkdir build  
$ cd build  
$ cmake ..  
$ make  
$ ./svm_test  

where the last line will run a tiny demo that makes sure everything installed ok (it runs almost instantly)
