NeuralTalk is a Python+numpy project for learning Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks that describe images with sentences.
- alex-pt
- andy-williamsLondon, UK
- artifactsArtifacts - Fine Software Development
- auserFullStack.io
- bdevetakBooking.com
- blackaller
- BollegalaUniversity of Liverpool / University of Tokyo
- camiloheOttawa,ON,CA
- carlhuNew York City
- ChairoCOL
- coolnaluCambridge, MA
- denisparraPUC Chile
- dolaamengSeattle
- fanfannothing百度
- gmarchandAWS
- gregnwosuheeboe
- jamesz
- k8nxNRISE
- karpathyStanford
- koitarohThe University of Tokyo
- kumarishanBengaluru
- laughing
- laurencecaoShanghai
- linkerlin
- marlowesmonkeyLos Angeles
- meantheory@integralthread
- mengqiang81
- mrasquinha
- netconstructorNetConstructor.com
- rakhmadRedhat
- robertsdionneSan Francisco
- stesteauMontréal, Québec
- thomaskern
- tserraSenseBloom
- ukituki
- xcudPositronic