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PME _ 3 Issue 2
#65 opened by Hrushi0d - 0
#64 opened by Hrushi0d - 2
flash attention: simplified
#61 opened - 2
#57 opened by we89 - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
Question on Simple Optimization Step
#54 opened by mitnk - 0
Neural Network
#53 opened by Milad1DataScientist - 2
- 1
Problem with makemore_part2_mlp.ipynb
#50 opened by dewijones92 - 1
name.txt is missing
#48 opened by patricxu - 7
- 0
BatchNorm1d in makemore part3 may have error
#44 opened by LYK-love - 0
need Discussions :)
#42 opened by fenneishi - 1
- 1
Error in makemore_part1_bigrams.ipynb
#37 opened by mksamelson - 1
Missing L.backward() before constructing graph
#40 opened by arun477 - 3
zero_grad implementation correctness question
#30 opened by zivanfi - 1
Shouldn't names.txt be added to this repo?
#16 opened by delbarital - 1
- 1
RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time (or directly access saved tensors after they have already been freed). Saved intermediate values of the graph are freed when you call .backward() or autograd.grad(). Specify retain_graph=True if you need to backward through the graph a second time or if you need to access saved tensors after calling backward.
#31 opened by Bie401 - 3
Not bug, just curiosity
#8 opened by ax-anoop - 2
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Zero to hero
#24 opened by feizalsaid - 0
If I place more than 3 layers of FlattenConsecutive in makemore_part5_cnn1.ipynb, I get error: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)
#23 opened by NarenZen - 0
- 3
intro to neural networks first
#15 opened by culurciello - 5
Not a real issue: Video links broken
#14 opened by anshul360 - 1
#2 opened by harpreetmann24 - 1