🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
- amitpuriIndia
- ArianKhorasaniMila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute
- ashishtanwerApple
- CansuIcliNASA - SpaceX
- Cap-n-Proud
- conormackey
- damilojohnLagos
- DavidFaraday95
- deepc94UMass Amherst
- ENGTakeem
- gaspreth
- GladwinZerteerte
- gq23401GQI Alpha solutions Ltd.
- Haowen-ZhongUniversity of Minnesota
- Hayden-JSSchwarz Land Surveying & Dev, Inc. | KCGC
- jadexlaw
- kizombaciao
- kumarh1982United States
- legomushroomSeattle, US
- Lior-BaruchReichman University
- maheshbabugorantlaDimensional Fund Advisors
- mathsrocksThe NRMA
- MetaluvFlying Dust First Nation
- nikhil-ey
- phase-shake
- RahulRJBTata Consultancy Services
- reyhashemi
- robertosilviuItaly
- sknuth
- TitanpreneurTitan Inc.
- Ultraglazed
- VictorIg
- vikram71198
- westerlinApps'n Downs
- wookiekimPOSTECH
- YeahTechBeijing