
Post-installation scripts for setting up an Ubuntu system

Primary LanguageShell

Ubuntu System Setup

Adapted from the ubuntu-post-install scripts of Sam Hewitt and Mark Padgham.



or make an alias.


There are six main functions in the directory of that name, some of which use the data directory, and all of which use variables defined in functions/variables.

  1. doall enables all functions to be run non-interactively to build an entirely new system from scratch

  2. aptadd adds apt keys (/data/keys.list) and repositories (/data/repos.list)

  3. apt installs packages.list (and skips all those already installed)

  4. nonapt opens a menu for the following additional functions

    i. pandoc to install the latest version from source

    ii. python to install a host of additional python modules

    iii.vim to install or upgrade vim from source, along with a host of extensions

    iv. R packages to install those

    v. sourcecodepro to install the font

    vi. travis to install the ruby gem for travis-ci

  5. configure provides 3 configuration options, including installing dotfiles

  6. cleanup removes obsolete packages, kernels, and the like

In addition, check performs initial checks for packages necessary to run this script


The kinds of values given in gsettings.list and dsettings.list can be found by

> dconf watch /

Manually changing settings will then echo the corresponding dconf parameters. Some of these can not be gset. To find out which, just use

> gsettings get ...

with autocomplete to find out. Alternatively gsettings list-recursively will list all settings, or see the compiz wiki

Manual tasks

Some tasks can nevertheless only be completed manually ...

1. Terminal font

profile -> general -> font -> SourceCodePro Light 9pt

2. gnome soliarized

Clone repo as described here, then simply

cd ~/.solarized/gnome

to configure both light and dark profiles

3. Nvim-r

.Rprofile has two lines that need to be changed around in order to properly install Nvim-r the first time (using vundle, so install with :PluginInstall). After that, they need to be changed back the way they were.

4. Computer name

If not set at install, just change both:
