
Welcome to the PythonPostgresContainerStarter repository! This project provides a simple and ready-to-use environment for starting a Python project with a PostgreSQL database, all containerized for easy setup and development.

Table of Contents


The PythonPostgresContainerStarter project aims to streamline the process of starting a Python project that interacts with a PostgreSQL database using Docker containers. It offers a pre-configured environment that includes both a Python container and a PostgreSQL container, allowing you to focus on developing your Python application without worrying about setting up the database infrastructure.


  • Pre-configured Docker setup for Python and PostgreSQL.
  • Project directory for organizing your Python application files.
  • Automatic container execution upon starting the project.
  • A simple example demonstrating database connectivity and interaction.

Getting Started

To begin your Python project with PostgreSQL using containers, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd PythonPostgresContainerStarter
  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose if not already installed on your system.

  2. Start the containers:

docker-compose up
  1. Access your Python application from the project directory and the PostgreSQL database from the postgres-db-volume directory.


The project structure includes two main directories:

  • app: Place your Python application files here. The file serves as an entry point for your application and is executed whenever the containers start.

  • db: This directory contains the PostgreSQL data files and configuration. You can further customize the PostgreSQL setup in the docker-compose.yml file under the db service.


Feel free to customize the Dockerfile to match your application's requirements. Additionally, modify the docker-compose.yml file to adjust container names, ports, environment variables, and more.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter issues, want to enhance the project, or improve the documentation, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

When contributing, ensure that your changes align with the project's goals and guidelines. Also, update the documentation to reflect any significant modifications.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. You have the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the code as per the terms of this license.

Start your Python project with PostgreSQL in containers and enjoy a hassle-free development experience!

For any questions or further assistance, please feel free to contact