
Combinatorial Convolutional Neural Networks for Words

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This repository contains resources for replicating computational experiments with combinatorial CNNs and other architectures focusing on word classification.

Usage Instructions

Setting Up the Environment

  1. Datasets:
    • For palindrome-related experiments, download and extract palindromes.zip from this link.
    • Download and extract passwords.zip from the same link for password-related experiments.

Both zip files contain precomputed combinatorics obtained by executing GeneratePalindromes.ipynb, GenerateNonPalindromes.ipynb and GeneratePasswords.ipynb.

Running Experiments

  1. Palindrome Experiments:

    • To generate palindromes, use GeneratePalindromes.ipynb.
    • To generate non-palindromes, use GenerateNonPalindromes.ipynb.
    • For (combinatorial) CCNN-based experiments, use palindromeCCNN.ipynb.
    • For CNN-based experiments, use CNN_palindrome.ipynb.
    • For LSTM-based experiments, use LSTM_RNN_palindrome.ipynb.
    • For GRU-based experiments, use GRU_RNN_palindrome.ipynb.
    • For Transformer experiments, use Transformer_palindrome.ipynb.
  2. Password Experiments:

    • To generate passwords, use GeneratePasswords.ipynb.
    • For (combinatorial) CCNN-based experiments, use passwordsCCNN.ipynb.
    • For CNN-based experiments, use CNN_passwords.ipynb.
    • For LSTM-based experiments, use LSTM_RNN_passwords.ipynb.
    • For GRU-based experiments, use GRU_RNN_passwords.ipynb.
    • For Transformer experiments, use Transformer_passwords.ipynb.

Additional Resources

  • Full lists of palindromes, non-palindromes, strong (good) and weak (bad) passwords are available in corresponding .txt files within the datasets.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.