
Test your Email Deliverability by schedule and receive email reports.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


  • Check your Email Deliverability (test if your emails are being delivered to Inbox or Spam folder at Gmail, Outlook and etc).
  • Check your Sender Score of your Email Server (IP reputation)
  • Supports multiple accounts
  • Run tests by schedule
  • Receive email reports

Here is how email report looks like:

Prepare files


Define your SMTP accounts here in the following format:

    "note": "gsuite my email",
    "dsn": "smtp://my@email.com:pA$$wOrD@smtp.gmail.com:587",
    "fromName": "Sender name",
    "fromEmail": "my@email.com"

The password must be urlencoded (%2B instead of +, %20 instead of space and etc).


Put your email contents into this file.

Getting started with docker-compose

This setup runs a glockapps tests with email report by a cron schedule once a week. Create a file called docker-compose.yml with the content below:

version: "3.2"

    image: karser/spamtest:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      ACCOUNTS_PATH: '/accounts.json'
      SUBJECT: 'Your test email subject'
      BODY_PATH: '/body.html'
      REPORT_DSN: 'smtp://my@email.com:pA$$wOrD@smtp.gmail.com:587'
      REPORT_FROM_EMAIL: 'my@email.com'
      REPORT_FROM_NAME: 'Spamtest'
      RECIPIENT_EMAIL: 'your@email.com,your-second@email.com'
      CRON_CONFIG: |
        0 0 * * 1 /var/app/bin/console app:spamtest >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1
        0 8 * * 1 /var/app/bin/console app:report >> /var/log/cron.log 2>&1
      - ./body.html:/body.html:ro
      - ./accounts.json:/accounts.json:ro
    command: ['/usr/local/bin/cron-entrypoint']

Run this and get into the container:

docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it spamtest_spamtest_1 sh

Verify accounts without creating a glockapps test

First you want to make sure that your accounts config is correct and emailable.

bin/console app:spamtest --validate-only

Then let's run a spam test:

bin/console app:spamtest

Send email report

After a while run the report script

bin/console app:report

Getting started without docker

Clone the repo and install dependencies

git clone
composer install

Verify accounts without creating a glockapps test

First you want to make sure that your accounts config is correct and emailable.

bin/console app:spamtest \
  --verify --recipient-email=your@email.com \
  --accounts-path=/path/to/accounts.json \
  --subject='Your test email subject' \

Run a glockapps test

bin/console app:spamtest \
  --accounts-path=/path/to/accounts.json \
  --subject='Your test email subject' \

Send email report

bin/console app:spamtest \
  --accounts-path=/path/to/accounts.json \
  --report-dsn='smtp://my@email.com:pA$$wOrD@smtp.gmail.com:587' \
  --report-from-email=my@email.com \
  --report-from-name=Spamtest \