
Kobra is a tool for looking up union membership of LiU students and for registrering union discounts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


API Documentation (Version 1)

Docker Image

Setting up a development environment

This project uses Pipenv and Yarn to manage its dependencies and development environments. Read up on their basic usage, install them and run the following commands:

cp example.env .env
pipenv install -d

You may want to adapt the .env file to your preferences. Always using pipenv shell or pipenv run <command> will make sure that the environment is always set correctly. To make student lookups, you will need Sesam credentials.

To start a development server, run

pipenv shell
django-admin migrate
django-admin createsuperuser
yarn dev

This will start a development server listening on port 3000 and launch your browser with hot-reloading on frontend changes.

Alternatively, you can use Docker Compose to more closely mimic a production scenario:

pipenv shell
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm app django-admin migrate
docker-compose run --rm app django-admin createsuperuser
docker-compose up

This will start the web server on port 80.


The application must be available at http://dev.kobra.karservice.se (on port 80) as seen from your local machine for the ADFS integration to work in a development environment. Adjust your /etc/hosts (or equivalent) file to accomodate this.

Project structure

  • bin: utility scripts
  • build: frontend build artefacts
  • kobra: backend source code
  • node_modules: frontend build dependencies
  • public: frontend template
  • src: frontend source code


Kobra roughly consists of an HTTP API that tries to be more or less RESTful, and a web client that uses that API. This means that all functionality available in the web client is also available through the API. The API backend is a Django application using Django REST Framework. The web frontend is a single-page JavaScript application, bootstrapped using create-react-app. It uses Redux to manage its state.

The complete application (including its Docker environment) is developed with The Twelve-Factor App in mind. Read it.

Data sources and integrations

The Kobra application is dependent on three backing services:

  1. A PostgreSQL database for storing cached student data, events, organizations, discount registrations and all other application data. This is a SQLite database in the default development settings.
  2. The Sesam student service, a SOAP service provided by LiU to make lookups of student data. The client implementation is provided by the python-sesam package.
  3. The ADFS single sign-on service provided by LiU. The integration is provided by the python-social-auth-liu package.


The default permissions model is deliberately kept simple. Any user with a LiU ID may log in with their LiU ID credentials. However, the user must be added as an organization administrator before any meaningful queries can be carried out. When added as an admin for any organization, the user may query for student data and perform discount registrations for all of the organization's events. Existing administrators may also add and remove other administrators for the organization.

Build and runtime environments

Docker is used to build and run the application in a production environment (see the dedicated, private repo for this). You can also use it to run in a development setting, preferably using Docker Compose (see the instructions above). The Dockerfile as well as the Docker Compose definitions (in this repo and the production dito) are by themselves considered the documentation for how to get the application to build and run.

Third-party API clients

This repository includes no programmatic API client. Please refer to the following projects for API client implementations or use them as inspiration to make one in your language:

Made a client and want it listed here? Submit a pull request!