- TopUp, Withdraw, Sale, Refund transactions
- Accepted, Pending, Rejected transaction statuses
- multi-national currencies in separate wallets by currency, by client
- test coverage with ScalaTest
- JDK 8
- sbt
- scala 2.11.8
- akka.http 2.4.10
- scalatest 3.0.0
Version Prefix: /v1/
GET <- retrieve clients list
POST <- create a new client (or replace existing. no Update/Delete operation in demo)
GET <- retrieve client by id
POST <- paymentType, issuer[Option], receiver[Option], currency([Option], DEFAULT is "USD"), amount(check >= 0)
(check that Client's total > transaction amount to process it, if withdraw / sale)
POST <- clientId, currency ([Option], DEFAULT is "USD")
http://localhost:9000/v1/clients/ <- POST
Request: { "name": "Smith Test" }. Content-Type application/json
"id": "45f535d0-7efb-4471-ba82-c61f5e0a4cd6",
"name": "Smith Test",
"isActive": true
- no auth security
- no transactions rollback in terms of business transactions
- no persistent storage
- no proper error handling: now is BadRequest for all tech + business exceptions (GateWay typed exception) + technical error message
- no Futures - only async java collection wrapped to scala
- no custom actors declared in code
- no docker
- no proper tests coverage - just a few sample unit tests (all green)
- no "toxic" Monads, only basics like [Option]