Find and Filter all open ports
3THR tool installation steps:
- cd ~
- cd tools
- git clone
- cd 3THR
- chmod +x
- chmod +x .banner
- ./
./3THR all
333333333333333 tttt hhhhhhh RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
3:::::::::::::::33 ttt:::t h:::::h R::::::::::::::::R
3::::::33333::::::3 t:::::t h:::::h R::::::RRRRRR:::::R
3333333 3:::::3 t:::::t h:::::h RR:::::R R:::::R
3:::::3ttttttt:::::ttttttt h::::h hhhhh R::::R R:::::R
3:::::3t:::::::::::::::::t h::::hh:::::hhh R::::R R:::::R
33333333:::::3 t:::::::::::::::::t h::::::::::::::hh R::::RRRRRR:::::R
3:::::::::::3 tttttt:::::::tttttt h:::::::hhh::::::h R:::::::::::::RR
33333333:::::3 t:::::t h::::::h h::::::h R::::RRRRRR:::::R
3:::::3 t:::::t h:::::h h:::::h R::::R R:::::R
3:::::3 t:::::t h:::::h h:::::h R::::R R:::::R
3:::::3 t:::::t tttttth:::::h h:::::h R::::R R:::::R
3333333 3:::::3 t::::::tttt:::::th:::::h h:::::hRR:::::R R:::::R
3::::::33333::::::3 tt::::::::::::::th:::::h h:::::hR::::::R R:::::R
3:::::::::::::::33 tt:::::::::::tth:::::h h:::::hR::::::R R:::::R
333333333333333 ttttttttttt hhhhhhh hhhhhhhRRRRRRRR RRRRRRR
Author : @karthi_the_hacker
Tool Name: 3THR
Jai Hind
Note After using m4skup tool use this
Enter the full path with m4skup file name: /home/mypath/recon/bugcrowd/m4skup/m4skup.txt
Enter comany name: bugcrowd