
Here we designed Authentication and Authorization for rails 5 application which uses active admin, devise and cancancan gem. https://medium.com/@praaveen/rails-5-with-authentication-authorization-grid-as-base-to-get-start-83fccde24974

Primary LanguageRuby


Initial setup

  1. rake db:create

  2. rake db:migrate

  3. rake db:seed

  4. Find user to set admin as true. Only that user can able to access the Active admin side.

    Can be managed form Active admin side as well '/admin'

  5. Next for element, its nothing but the list of Model to be managed, example: creating it for Product model Element.create(name: 'Product')

  6. Roles can be added from active admin side.

privileges -> roles(choose one) -> customer(Setting Access for customer).

Final should look like (For example role called customer)


Customer Grid