
Alert.alert()-Support for side effects with redux-saga in react-native-apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Ever wanted to use Alert.alert() with callbacks within a side-effect or generator function? This library help along!

It allows us to show a typical alert-modal while we can pass callbacks for the user-action the redux-saga-way with yield put() or yield call(). Other side-effects like fork or spawn aren't implemented yet. Feel free to contribute if you need it!


yarn add redux-saga-rn-alert


npm install redux-saga-rn-alert --save


In the root reducer add the alert-reducer. For instance:


import { alertReducer } from 'redux-saga-rn-alert';

const appReducer = combineReducers({

In the root saga spawn the channel watcher:


import { watchAlertChannel } from 'redux-saga-rn-alert';

export default function * rootSaga() {
  yield [
    // ... all your sagas here


The alert-function has the same signature as the official alert-method of react-native.

static alert(title, message?, buttons?, options?) {}

Example 1

Show an alert with 2 Buttons and put some actions:

  const buttons = [
      {text: 'Cancel', style:'cancel', put: {type: ACTIONS.S_CANCEL_EDIT}},
      {text: 'OK', style:'default',call: RouterActions.pop},

  yield call(alert, 'Error', 'Foobar message', buttons)

In this example an alert-box will be shown with two buttons "Cancel" and "ok". If the user taps on "cancel", a yield put() will be executed with a user-defined action, while "ok" raises a yield call to the pop-method of the Router from react-native-router-flux.

Instead of executing a "plain" function like pop() without any arguments, you can also call a method passing arguments:

Example 2

  const buttons = [
      {text: 'Cancel', style:'cancel', put: {type: ACTIONS.S_CANCEL_EDIT}},
      {text: 'OK', style:'default', call: {method: myMethod, args: {name: '', street: ''}},

  yield call(alert, 'Error', 'Happy to call alert with callbacks within a generator function', buttons)

Example 3

It is also allowed to pass an array of several side effects:

  const buttons = [
      {text: 'Cancel', style:'cancel', actions:
            {put: {type: ACTIONS.S_CANCEL_EDIT}},
            {call: RouterActions.pop},
      {text: 'OK', style:'default', call: RouterActions.pop},

  yield call(alert, 'Error', 'Foobar message', buttons)

In this example, the callback-function of the Cancel-button will first "yield put" an action to our reducers and then call the pop()-method of the router.

IOS Style Support:


On iOS you can specify any number of buttons. Each button can optionally specify a style, which is one of

  • default
  • cancel
  • destructive


Contributors are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open discussions.