
Programs, reports, documentation and screenshots implemented and designed for the coursework on UCS1504: Artificial Intelligence course

Primary LanguagePython

UCS1504: Artificial Intelligence - Coursework

Programs, reports, documentation and screenshots implemented and designed for the laboratory coursework on UCS1504: Artificial Intelligence course.

Quick References

Path-finding in Plane with Abstract Polygonal Obstacles (Exercise 6)

  • Problem formulation and assumptions

  • Sample problem instance with illustrated result

State Space Diagram for The Decantation Problem (Exercise 2, Exercise 4)

  • For the decantation problem instance
    • Given: filled 8-litre jar, empty 5-litre and 3-litre jars
    • Target: Any one jar filled with exactly 4 litres

Sample State Space for the Eight Queens Problem (Exercise 5, Exercise 7

  • Total number of attacks (the inverse utility value) for each next-state position on the board.


  1. Performance, Environment, Actuator, Sensor (PEAS) Description Formulation

    • For a face-recognition-based smart attendance system
    • For an online autonomous proctoring system
    • For a collaborative robotic system of agents that can contest in soccer contests
    • Draw a house using primitives
    • Report

  2. The Decantation Problem I

  3. The Eight Puzzle Problem

    • Solved using the traditional Breadth First Search (BFS) approach
    • Solved using the Bidirectional Breadth First Search (Bi-BFS) approach
    • Documentation

  4. The Decantation Problem II

    • Solved using the Bidirectional Breadth First Search (Bi-BFS) approach
    • Solved using the Iterative Deepening Search approach
    • Documentation
    • Code on Replit

  5. The Eight Queens Problem I

    • Solved using the Hill Climbing approach to find the first incident solution
    • Utility function defined in terms of the total number of attacks
    • Documentation
    • Code on Replit

  6. Polygonal Path Finding Problem

    • Shortest path between two points in a plane with convex polygonal obstacles
    • Randomized problem instance generator implemented through code
    • Solved using the traditional Breadth First Search (BFS) approach
    • Solved using the Best First Greedy Search approach
    • Solved using the A-star (A*) Search approach
    • Empirical performance analysis through code of each search approach
    • Documentation
    • Code on Replit

  7. The Eight Queens Problem II

    • Solved using the Genetic Algorithm approach to find the first incident solution
    • Utility function defined in terms of the total number of attacks
    • Documentation
    • Code on Replit

  8. Arithmetic Expression Search

    • Use the given six integers to arithmetically arrive at a target expression result value
    • Four arithmetic operations are allowed with repitition: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
    • No fraction may be introduced into the calculation
    • Each given integer may be used at most once
    • If the exact target cannot be arrived at, find the expression with value closest to the target
    • State-space representation of problem is forulated
    • Solved using the Breadth First Search (BFS) approach
    • Documentation

Other Implementations