Password Manager

This Password Manager project is built to learn and implement CRUD functionalities within an application. It allows users to securely manage their passwords, ensuring that they are stored, updated, and retrieved with ease and safety.



  • Login/Logout: Secure user authentication for accessing the vault.
  • Session-Based: User sessions are maintained for a secure and seamless experience.

Password Management

  • Update Login Credentials: Easily update the credentials for accessing the vault.
  • Generate Passwords: Generate strong, random passwords for your accounts.
  • Check Password Strength: Evaluate the strength of your passwords to ensure they meet security standards.
  • Add/Update/Delete Passwords: Manage your saved passwords with full CRUD functionality.
  • Set Vault Password: Secure your entire vault with a master password for added security.
  • View Added Passwords: View and retrieve the passwords you have stored.

Additional Features

  • Contact/Report an Issue/Subscribe: Easily contact support, report issues, or subscribe for updates directly from the application.

Getting Started


To run this project locally, you will need to have the following installed:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd password-manager
  3. Install the dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run the application:

    npm start
  5. Access the application:

    • Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000.


  1. Login: Start by logging into the application with your credentials.
  2. Generate Passwords: Use the password generator to create strong, random passwords.
  3. Save Passwords: Add new passwords to your vault.
  4. Manage Passwords: View, update, or delete your stored passwords as needed.
  5. Vault Security: Set a master password to secure your entire vault.
  6. Logout: Safely end your session by logging out.


We welcome contributions! Please read the for details on the code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.


If you have any questions, issues, or feedback, feel free to reach out or report an issue via the Issues page.