Chat Assistant

  • Building a Basic Webpage Opener and EXCEL SHEET (XLSX OR CSV) Question Answering Agent

Screenshot - Conversational Agent:

alt text


Make sure to have following dependencies listed in your requirements.txt file:

  • streamlit
  • langchain
  • langchain-community
  • python-dot
  • google


Git clone the repo
python3 -m venv ./ollama-langchain-venv
source ./ollama-langchain-venv/bin/activate
docker build . -t yourdocker/ollama-langchain:0.5
ollama-langchain docker images
docker-compose up
docker exec -it ollama-langchain-ollama-container-1 ollama run phi

you should be able to see the downloaded model files and manifests in your local folder ./data/ollama (which is internally mapped to /root/.ollama for the container, which is where Ollama looks for the downloaded models to serve)

Screenshot - Opening Website through natural prompt



To converse from terminal alt text To converse from streamlit alt text

Closing website

Streamlit has a sandboxed environment hence it can't redirect to another site. So we are giving the sites to open explicitly. Couldn't implement because of limitations in webbrowser module of python, tried selenium which was also unsuccessful. alt text

RAG training was done in this notebook Colab

.env setup

Please comment the part if not required. alt text Use your own API key and set up a project name to see the analytics in Langsmith.