
The project uses java and 3 types of data structure stack,array and linked list. The login gives access to the software only admin can login and can dd employe by givning him an id and filling its data and that data will be stored in database. He can chck, update or delte it. Databse was on localhost.

Primary LanguageJava


The project uses java and 3 types of data structure stack,array and linked list. The login gives access to the software only admin can login and can add employe by givning him an id and filling its data and that data will be stored in database and an perfrom other CRUD operations. He can chck, update or delte it. Databse was on localhost. The database used in the project is called MySQL The databse was used as localhost and with the 'root' name and 'admin' password with certain table name as employeems and admin