Ebay Search iOS Application

Technologies Used:

  • Swift UI (with libraries: KingFisher, PromiseKit, SwiftyJSON)
  • MongoDB
  • Node.JS (Frameworks/Libraries: Express.js , Axios, ES6)
  • Google Custom Search API
  • Ebay API


This project is an iOS Mobile application, which allows users to:

  1. Search for products listed on the Ebay website using the eBay APIs.
  2. Get product details, images, seller information, shipping information, return policies and similar item images from Google Search results.
  3. Add products in a wishlist stored in a Mongo Database hosted in Cloud.
  4. Share a post on Facebook about a listing on ebay.

Please take a look at the Demo Video uploaded.


Since this project is a part of a graduate level course at USC (CSCI571: Web Technologies), access is provided only when requested.

Request Access here: Link to Codebase