
A repository to host details of many festivals/observances of Indian hindus

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A repository to host details of many festivals/observances of Indian hindus



  • Festivals are divided into different repositories, which are identified by paths. Example: tamil, temples/Tamil, temples/North, gRhya/general, mahApuruSha/kAnchI-maTha.
  • Motivation: Not everyone is interested in every festival: example: A vaiShNava person from karNATaka may not care for a tamil nAyanAr gurupUjA.

Path within repository

  • Each festival gets one TOML file.
  • Within each repository, the path of a given festival is decided by its timing information. This facilitates easy lookup.
  • Paths for independently determined festivals: [repository_root]/[month_type]/[anga_type]/[month_num]/[anga_num]/[festival_id].toml , where month_type is one of [lunar_month, solar_sidereal_month, tropical_month], and anga_type is one of [day, tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karana].
  • Paths for relatively determined festivals: [repository_root]/[anchor_festival_id]/offset__[day]/[festival_id].toml , where offset day may be negative.
  • There is provision for giving information about festivals without specifying timing (because complicated timing is more easily specified as code). In such a case, path will be [repository_root]/description_only/[arbitrary_path]/[festival_id].toml.

Field values

  • Please don't use "/" or space in id field value. Causes problems with deciding canonical file path.
  • Where possible, please try to ensure that filename matches id field.

Extra timing information

  • Basic information about festival timing is covered in the "Path within repository" section.
  • Festivals are associated with kaala-s (time intervals), which may be one of preceeding_arunodaya, sunrise, sunset, moonrise, puurvaahna, aparaahna etc.. The default kaala is assumed to be sunrise. An anga (such as tithi) intersecting with an appropriate kaala determines a "festival".
  • Such an intersection may happen on two consecutive days. In that case, the priority field (with values being one of puurvaviddha, paraviddha, vyaapti) determines the day to be chosen for the "festival".

Clarity about meaning of kaala values

  • preceeding_arunodaya refers to the dawn preceeding a given day.