gh-fetch badge

This repository contains the backend code which fetches the public github repositories of a user/orgnization and its commits and stores it in a datastore. It also caches the github api results for upto 60 seconds before being invalidated.


  • go
  • docker-compose


The make file contains all the commands needed to build/run/mock/test the application. Some commands which are not so obvious:

  • make compose - one command to rule it all. Build and run the application. Spins up the application and the database server.

  • make mock - (re)generate the mocks required for testing.


  • /user/:username/repositories - Fetches the public repositories of a user. Optionally query paramaters page and perpage can be supplied to paginate results. Please note that the paginations works properly only when cache is empty. e.g. - http://localhost:8000/user/karthikraobr/repositories
  • /user/:username/repository/:repository/commits - Fetches the commits of a particular repository. Optionally query paramaters page and perpage can be supplied to paginate results. Since this endpoint does not use a cache or a datastore, the pagination works all the time. e.g. - http://localhost:8000/user/karthikraobr/repository/gqlgen/commits
  • /user/:username/top20 - Fetches Top 20 recently accessed repositories based on the last_access column.

What is missing?

  • Frontend
  • Caching/Fetching from the datastore does not paginate the results. Due to time constraints I could not add pagination during these scenarios.
  • package Store does not contain tests.
  • CI could have been better.

What might have gone wrong?

  • First time gin-gonic and gorm user, hence best practices might have taken a backseat.