Location History

REST server which stores, retrieves and deletes orders' location history


  • Docker
  • go

Assumptions and known issues

  • PUT is not idempotent - repeated requests with same location and order appends the data. It also creates the history for a new order.
  • HISTORY_SERVER_LISTEN_ADDR is assumed be a port number. Done to ease docker setup.
  • Logger isn't used. Can be used in the future.
  • Retrieving order_id from the path can fail because it assumes we will always encounter urls of the form /location/order_id. This could be easily solved by using a third-party mux like gorilla mux.
  • Tests for the server package are missing due to time constraints.
  • CI/CD missing.
  • Missing API documention (Swagger or OpenAPI).

Makefile contains all the commands to build, run, test this application. Contains no external dependencies apart from the go standard library.