
python script for storing rds instance logs to s3 bucket

Primary LanguagePython


python script for storing rds instance logs to s3 bucket

Getting Started

This script will collect all logs of rds instance with engine type postgres,aurora-postgresql and store them into a target s3 bucket. It is written in a format to run in multiple account environment and all the logs are stored inside a separate account where s3 is present.

  • You can either specify an single instance in a region or you can specify all the instances by giving '*'.
  • When all the instances are specified it picks up only the instances of engine type postgres and aurora-postgresql.
  • proxy(if you are running in a vpc, else not required) is enabled in this script to fetch sts credentials.


It can run inside a jenkins, cron job, aws lambda.

  • AWS Region
  • AWS RDS Instance
  • Cross Account Role(List of target accounts in which you have to get logs of rds instances)
  • S3 Bucket Name
  • Source Account Role(for storing logs into the s3 source account)