Amazon DocumentDB Compatibility Tool

This compatibility tool will examine log files from MongoDB to determine if there are any queries which use operators that are not supported in Amzon DocumentDB. This tool will produce a simple report of use of unsupported operators, as well as saving all log lines that were not supported being saved to an output file for further investigation.


Clone the repository, then run the following command in the repository top-level directory:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Using the tool

This tool supports examining compatibility with either the 3.6 or 4.0 versions of Amazon DocumentDB. The format of the command is:

python3 docdb_compat/ <version> <input log file> <output file>
  • The <version> is the version of Amazon DocumentDB with which you are evaluating compatibility.
  • The <input log file> is the MongoDB log file to process
  • The <output file> is where all log lines that contain operators which are not supported by Amazon DocumentDB will saved


python3 docdb_compat/ 3.6 test/testlog.txt /tmp/test.output

Expected output:

        2 out of 7 queries unsupported
Query Types:
        aggregate   3
        find        3
        query       1
Unsuported operators (and number of queries used)
        $facet                2
        $bucket               1
        $bucketAuto           1
Log lines of unsupported operators logged here: /tmp/compat.out