
OAuth reverse proxy setup for Google Cloud Run services

Primary LanguagePython

OAuth Reverse Proxy for Google Cloud Run Services

Create a service for auth proxy

Here, we are creating a servive for auth proxy with a hello world docker image. This step is to get the service URL for configuration in later steps.

gcloud beta run deploy --image gcr.io/cloudrun/hello --region=us-central1 auth-proxy
# make sure you are making this endpoint public

Get the service url for auth proxy and set as an environment variable

export SERVICE_URL=https://auth-proxy-xxxxxxxxxxxx.a.run.app

Create OAuth credentials and set them as environment variables

export CLIENT_ID= ...
export CLIENT_SECRET= ...

Add your service url auth endpoint to the authorized redict URIs filed in your OAuth app. e.g. https://auth-proxy-xxxxxx.a.run.app/auth

Set destination service URL

export DST_SERVICE_URL=https://tensorboard-xxxxxxxx-uc.a.run.app

In this example, we are setting the destination service url to a tensorboard service running on cloud run. This is the service you want to proxy all the requests to.

Build base docker image


Build and push the OAuth reverse proxy docker image

export PROJECT_NAME=$(gcloud config get-value project | head -n1)
export IMAGE_NAME=gcr.io/$PROJECT_NAME/oauth_proxy:latest
docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME .
docker push $IMAGE_NAME

Update auth proxy service with right docker image and env variables

gcloud beta run deploy auth-proxy \
    --image=$IMAGE_NAME \
    --region=us-central1 \