- 0
Additional features
#82 opened by kartik-madhak - 5
Add highlighting for code
#41 opened by kartik-madhak - 3
Add a settings sidebar
#52 opened by kartik-madhak - 8
Make file view in sidebar centered
#43 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
More shortcuts
#78 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Implement common keyboard functionalities
#57 opened by kartik-madhak - 1
Create executable release to that I don't have to install rust in order to start the app
#72 opened by akshayvadher - 0
- 0
New file rename modal should have default timestamp instead of being empty
#74 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
- 0
- 0
Add more themes
#31 opened by kartik-madhak - 2
- 0
Fix undo eventually deletes whole text
#60 opened by kartik-madhak - 2
- 0
Make the navbar fixed
#58 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
- 1
Make the sidebar zoomable with `ctrl` + `mouse scroll` and `ctrl` + `+/-`
#44 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Menu/sidebar content overflows editor
#53 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
- 0
Add ability to change editor themes
#32 opened by kartik-madhak - 5
- 2
Fix tab behavior on editor
#42 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Major feat: Every time the app opens, it should open todays note with old items intact
#35 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
SPIKE: Figure out a way to include user programmable scripts for upcoming feature #1
#36 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Ability to open context menu
#30 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Todos created using ctrl+enter, caret starts at line beginning instead of todo beginning
#33 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Ability to redo the changes
#34 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Add ability to delete and rename files
#27 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Better theme management
#28 opened by kartik-madhak - 1
The sidebar length doesn't persist
#26 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Make the main menu useful
#16 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Implement save feature
#22 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
Sidebar should show all md files in the `noter` directory and allow seeing each file's content when clicked
#19 opened by kartik-madhak - 0
- 0
Make the font zoomable
#17 opened by kartik-madhak - 1
- 1
Need better readme
#10 opened by kartik-madhak - 1
Default dark mode doesn't render properly
#11 opened by kartik-madhak - 1