This is a simple train booking platform built with Django and Redis. The platform allows users to check the trains between source and destination, book a train ticket and view their booking history.
- Used Redis as a caching Layer for concurrency control to store the seats locked by the user during the booking process.
- Used Django signals (post save) to create the seats for the train when a new train is added to the system.
- Used JWT Authentication for user authentication and authorization by creating access and refresh tokens to grant conditional access to some apis based on the user role.
- Clone the repository using the following command
git clone
- Change the directory to the project directory
cd Train-Booking-Django-Redis
- Create a virtual environment using the following command
python3 -m venv env
- Activate the virtual environment using the following command
source env/bin/activate
- Install the dependencies using the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the following command to start the server
python runserver
- To Create a superuser run the following command
python createsuperuser
- Install Redis and start the Redis server
- Check if the Redis server is running by running the following command
redis-cli ping
- Make sure that the Redis server is running at port
. If the Redis server is running at a different port then change the port in
- Register User
- URL: /user/register/
- Method: POST
- Request Body:
{ "username": "testuser", "email": "", "password": "testpassword", "password2": "testpassword" }
- Response:
{ "message": "User registered successfully" }
- Login User
- URL: /user/login/
- Method: POST
- Request Body:
{ "username": "kartik", "password": "kc123123" }
- Response:
{ "token": { "refresh": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImV4cCI6MTcxMzU0NjcwMSwiaWF0IjoxNzEzNDYwMzAxLCJqdGkiOiJjYWViZTEzMTI2OGY0ODAxYjg2YzhiNmU5ODMzMGI3YyIsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJiMTZmYmM0YS1hZmEyLTRiZDYtOGUxYi05N2Y2ZjFmZTc5OTIifQ.v128NocN1JHxx0kCAOhGVTjgUFn5WdPsF_vAZ599aQ0", "access": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoiYWNjZXNzIiwiZXhwIjoxNzEzNDYxNTAxLCJpYXQiOjE3MTM0NjAzMDEsImp0aSI6ImRiMDkzNjRjM2M5MTRiNGFiY2YzNTgyMjcxMjgyYzUwIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6ImIxNmZiYzRhLWFmYTItNGJkNi04ZTFiLTk3ZjZmMWZlNzk5MiJ9._CzGACDzQDdqc2y8CQ4C_qbtEqMGoHLCZeMafUY5d3A" }, "msg": "Login successful" }
- Add Train
- URL: /train/add-train/
- Method: POST
- Headers: Authorization: Bearer
- Request Body:
{ "train_name": "Shatabdi Express", "source": "Delhi", "destination": "Mumbai", "train_capacity": 10 }
- Response:
{ "message": "Train added successfully" }
- Get Trains
- URL: /train/get-trains/
- Method: GET
- Request Body:
{ "source": "Jaipur", "destination": "Mumbai" }
- Response:
[ { "train_id": "10d37399-97f6-4ce3-ac2f-c8d879cc902d", "train_name": "Duranto Express", "train_capacity": 10, "remaining_capacity": 10, "is_full": false, "source": "Jaipur", "destination": "Mumbai", "seat_available": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] }, { "train_id": "95198504-1e9a-4c41-b199-783d37169334", "train_name": "Bandra Terminus SF", "train_capacity": 10, "remaining_capacity": 10, "is_full": false, "source": "Jaipur", "destination": "Mumbai", "seat_available": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] } ]
- Book Ticket
- URL: /train/book-ticket/
- Method: POST
- Headers: Authorization: Bearer
- Request Body:
{ "train_id": "10d37399-97f6-4ce3-ac2f-c8d879cc902d", "seat_number": 5 }
- Response:
{ "seat_id": "f03d877c-d915-4626-9744-c6dcfdb3c773", "message": "Seat locked successfully. Confirm booking to book the seat" }
- If the seat is already locked by another user
This will seat will remain locked for 3 minutes until the booking is confirmed by hitting the
{ "error": "Seat is already locked" }
API else the seat will be unlocked after 3 minutes. When the seat is locked by the user the seat_id is stored in the Redis cache and that seat number won't be displayed in the seat_available list of the train whenget-train
api is called until the booking is confirmed or that key is expired in the Redis cache.
- Confirm Booking
- URL: /train/confirm-booking/
- Method: POST
- Headers: Authorization: Bearer
- Request Body:
{ "seat_id": "f03d877c-d915-4626-9744-c6dcfdb3c773" }
- Response:
{ "message": "Seat booked successfully" }
- Get Booking History
- URL: /train/view-bookings/
- Method: GET
- Headers: Authorization Bearer
- Response:
[ { "train_id": "10d37399-97f6-4ce3-ac2f-c8d879cc902d", "train_name": "Duranto Express", "seat_number": 2, "source": "Jaipur", "destination": "Mumbai" }, { "train_id": "10d37399-97f6-4ce3-ac2f-c8d879cc902d", "train_name": "Duranto Express", "seat_number": 5, "source": "Jaipur", "destination": "Mumbai" } ]
- The user can book only one seat at a time.
- User
- id
- username
- password
- is_admin
- Train
- id
- train_name
- source
- destination
- train_capacity
- Seat
- id
- train_id (Foreign Key to Train)
- seat_number
- is_booked
- user (Foreign Key to User)
You can find the database schema in the
file in the train
app and in the
file in the user
You can also use the Django Shell to interact with the database. Run the following command to open the Django shell
python shell
And then use the following queries to interact with the database
from train.models import Train
from user.models import User
from train.models import Seat
# To get all the trains
trains = Train.objects.all()
# To get all the users
users = User.objects.all()
# To get all the seats
seats = Seat.objects.all()