Hey This Tool is created for instagram creators for ease their work so I devloped it by inspiring from some of instagram pages posting this type of content so as a devloper Idea came to my mind why not make a tool that solve this problem and generate random posts of quotes via some kind of api so i got refer to a free api then I added a 2nd rendering in it via pacakge github.com/kartikeyaggarwal/printer in it
- Golang Installed
- Clone The Repositry
git clone https://github.com/kartikeyaggarwal/Quotestar
- Now configure API Key in code
Go to main.go Edit API KEY HERE WITH YOUR API KEY API URL https://rapidapi.com/martin.svoboda/api/quotes15
- Now
go run main.go
Your tool will generate quote image
- Automatic Quotes Grepping via API
- Rendering It On Image
- Custom Tempetate
- Custom Font
- Automatic Upload on Instagram via Graphql API
- Automatic Short Video Creation
- Automatic Upload on Youtube &many more
- You can Customise Backround via changing path in main.go
- You can Customise Font style path in main.go (format suported .ttf)
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