Mobile Ordering Application using MERN stack

You can do the following tasks in this application:

  • register and login as seller or buyer
  • as a seller, you can add mobiles into the database
  • as a buyer, you can
    • add items to cart
    • search the products with filters
    • remove the items from the cart

Live Demo

Screen recording of the app

(Backend is hosted on a free web service so it may take few seconds to respond)

How to run the project locally

  • To run the backend:
    • Add the .env with the following env variables
      • MONGO_URI
      • JWT_SECRET
    • Then run the following commands
    cd ./server
    npm install
    npm run start
  • To run the frontend:
    • Add the .env with the following env variables
    • Then run the following commands
    cd ./client
    npm install
    npm run dev