I have used 3 methods
This is the most basic experiment among the three.
I have used the Penn Treebank’s Clause level tags to detect if the sentence is a question. I specifically check for occurence of two tags:
relative clauses should be bracketed as SBAR, not SBARQ.
If the parse tree of the sentence contains either of the two tags then it is classified as a question. The legend is: 0 - Not a question 1 - Is a question The results are: 0 ( Not a question) - 9332 1 (Is a question) - 668
In this method I use nps_chat from nltk.corpus as the training data. There are 10567 posts in the corpus which includes label. I was particularly interested in two labels ‘whQuestion’ and ‘ynQuestion’.
I used a boolean vectorizer to train the data and tested it on test data and train test split on a model generated using Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier.
The model gave an accuracy of 67%
Upon running this model against the given unseen data, the following results are obtained:
The legend is:
0 - Not a question
1 - Is a question
The results are:
0 ( Not a question) - 8799
1 (Is a question) - 1201
For Part 2 , which is to identify the question subtypes, I use the same model and run it on the 1201 sentences which are classified as questions.
Now instead of classifying the sentence as question or not question I classified the question as WH questions and Yes/No questions. Remember, that these were the two labels part of the training data retrieved from nps_chat
The legend is: WH - WH question YN - Yes/No question The results are: WH - 944 YN - 257
Bayes and Support Vector Machine I used this technique mainly for Part 2 - to determine the subtypes of questions.
To improve on the performance from method 2, I decided to perform some advanced classification. I retrieved training data from an external source which includes 1483 sentences which is labeled as what, who, when, affirmation, unknown.
This training data is available in sample.txt
What - what questions Who - who questions When - when questions Affirmation - yes/no questions Unknown - Unknown type questions.
Later I used TF-IDF as vectorization technique to prepare the training data.
After training test split (70/30) I achieved an accuracy of 73%
with Multinomial Naive Bayes and
with SVM using linear kernel.
The SVM model performed particularly well with corner case question such as
What time is the train leaving tomorrow ?
-> When question rather than What as it pertains to time.